The parishes which make up the Catholic Churches of Monroe County, Ohio are the product of a deep-rooted faith, a burning zeal for the Love of God and with undaunted courage in the hope for a brighter tomorrow. This hope was shared and encouraged by the sacrificial services of the many priests who have served in Monroe County. This hope was also a product of the many good religious sisters with their faithful dedication to God and the education of our youth, who molded lives, hearts and minds of the children under their care through the years. And yet, we owe so much to the hard-working and generously sacrificing individuals who founded, built and maintained each parish. To those who remain, may God bless and strengthen our resolve to carry on the tradition of strong faith and generous support. To the future generations, may God give them the courage to carry on the tradition of faith so carefully handed on to them.

St. John the Baptist, Miltonsburg

St. Sylvester,
Contact Us
334 South Main Street Woodsfield, OH 43793-1027
Fr. Nicholas Ward, Administrator